Every day more than 1,000 kids are treated in emergency departments for physical assault-related injuries. In 2021 at least 4 in 7 children reported having experienced child abuse and/or neglect. More than two thirds of children in the United States or roughly 48,000,000 reported at least 1 traumatic event by age 16.
How your contribution and donation helps:
We are lobbying top state leaders for effective, compassionate, workable laws; to advocate for effective youth treatment options.
Creating custom marketing assets to showcase and share the positive experiences our past students and families have experienced.
Engaging in a public relations efforts to improve the visibility and understanding of our industry.
To develop and publish universal standards and best practices for youth treatment.
Please don’t wait — your VOICE should be heard today. Give now to empower, educate and promote the valuable contributions our industry makes for youth and families across the state of Utah.